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Kumaon culture

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

Kumaon cultural --Spritiual faith Temple at Village -Sunargaon, (Kanda) <Distt- Bageshwar, (Kumaon)State- Utarakhand, India

1- Living style -simple happy living home , all family member and guest taking breakfast , lunch, dinner together, common kitchen / dinning place sitting floor like yoga .

2- Use common share toilets and bathrooms .

3-Our pets and cattle are our family members as cats, dogs, cows, goat ,poultry and other,

4- Respect to Guests like God as a family member.

5-Strong community participation/ helping practice each other without cast / creed /religion/ gender /states /age/ colour / work and other.

6- worshipping and saving trees, plants ,herbs, flowers as Tulsi Eakadasi (basil plant), Peepal tree pooja Saturday , Bud tree, Timur plant ,Aawalaa chaturdasi, Harela celebration (Green festival ) and others.

7- Worshiping land (Bhumi poojan )when Building construction / Organic farming practice / buying land / Road construction / Bridge construction / any mining operation and other .

8- Offering God / Goddess / ancients as Flowers / Rice/ milk / water /Cow urine /Herela (mixed crop 10 days plants)/ black grams / Kumkum / Pithya / leaves of Bel tree ,Padam plant , Marigold plant ,Kush grass ,Doob grass ,Aawalaa tree, and other .

9-Respect all religion /cast/ creed/gender/ colour /wearing /size .

10-Hindu Spirituality ---Praying God / Goddess as Lord Ganesha / Shiva/ Brahma / Devi / Laxmi/ Raama / Krishana/ Saraswati / Durga / Kali / Vasnavi / Annapurna devi ,Ancient God /Goddess Ganganath/ Bhana / Golu/ Nasshinh / Jwala davi / Family ( Kul devta ).

11- Save flora and Fauna .

12- Save biodiversity .


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