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Sam Beckett, UK :review

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

Sam B review

Sam Beckett, 22, UK.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at ROSE Kanda. The two weeks I have spent with Jeevan and co have been a real eye-opener for me and an enriching experience that I will not forget.

The school that Jeevan has set up is a real credit to him and the others involved. He has made it a goal of his to give the poorest of children in the areas the same chances of wealthier families and he is succeeding as the children love coming to school. I looked forward to going to the school everyday, the kids faces light up when they hear nursery rhymes in English (ring a ring a roses a class favourite) and even over the 2 weeks I have watched their English progress through playing games, singing songs and basic written work. I am no teacher, but the work I and Raja did in the time was very worthwhile and the kids respond positively to the effort you put in and love your company.


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